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Paul Krantz

Journalist & Creative Writer


I'm a creative writer turned journalist. From mobility and electrification, to business, tech and crypto, to biodiversity and conservation, my reporting touches on a wide range of topics, but my overarching focus is on stories that illustrate the impacts of human activity on the environment. My writing has appeared in Grist, Business Insider, Deutsche Welle (DW News), Earth Island Journal, Huff Post, SF GATE, The Parliament Magazine, The New Internationalist, and others.  


I'm currently based in Berlin where I earned a MA in journalism from HMKW. I wrote my thesis on strategies for more effective journalism on climate change. I previously earned a BA in creative writing at the University of San Francisco.


I've amassed 3+ years of editorial experience, primarily as a freelance reporter and writer, as well as 3 years of experience as a copywriter for a handful of Berlin and San Francisco based start-ups.


I previously lived for 2.5 years in South Korea, and spent one semester of my undergraduate studies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania before that. I particularly enjoy projects that allow me to interview people from different walks of life.

I'm open to being contacted about journalistic and creative writing projects.

Some Clips

From Around the Web


EVs are a climate solution with a pollution problem: Tire particles

September 25, 2023

The tiny fragments that tires release into the environment are yet another reason to reduce car use.


In this reported feature story, I unpack one of cars' lesser known pollution issues, and explore potential policy-based solutions. 

Read it online at

Delivery apps disappear in Europe as funding runs out

December 27, 2022

News feature for Deutsche Welle about the state of the rapid grocery delivery business at the end of 2022.

Read it here.


On the Edge

March 1, 2022

In depth feature about the resistance camp in Leutzerath, Germany where activists hold the line against a massive coal mine that is swallowing villages and slowing down Germany’s energy transition. Collaboratively reported with Leonard Frick.

Cover story in Earth Island Journal's Spring 2022 issue.

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The Best Oakland Food You'll Ever Take

December 7, 2017

Describes an "edible excursion" through Oakland's Temescal neighborhood.

Reprinted by HuffPost.

Get in Touch

Berlin, Germany

paulk4900 [at]

+49 157 3787 1228

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